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Introducing Alex Sedgmond
Alex is by far our favourite photographer at Goodwash. Partly because he is awesome and partly because he is born and bred in Barri, the home of Goodwash.
Mandy and Alex first bonded over classic Land Rovers and vintage Porsches but have subsequently become a very close-knit pair, with Alex responsible for all of our photography at Goodwash. As Mandy says “Alex has an uncanny ability to translate everything I think into imagery”. No mean feat if you know Mandy.
For his part, Alex has always loved working with Goodwash. “It’s super satisfying as I get to lean into the things that are really inspiring me at any moment. And given that I have ADHD, that inspiration can vary wildly”. Something that we find incredibly valuable in building the personality of the brand, helping to imbue it with curiosity and emotion.
As Alex says, “essentially, I try to convey a feeling with my images, I. want people to look closer and be able to imagine themselves in the scene. I know it sounds pretentious but every image is about trying to incorporate the subject into the beautiful environment I have created in my head. I can’t quite describe it but when something is just right, I get this huge wave of satisfaction that I need to share with people”.
This approach has led Alex to meet and work with incredible artists, makers, chefs and people in Wales and beyond. “Every now and then I meet someone that gets it. They won’t cut corners and say ‘that’ll do’ they go all in on what they are passionate about. I adore those people and all I want to do is get more eyes on them and their work. Mandy is one of them”.
We are refreshing all our imagery with the shoot Alex did for our winter season but you can find more of his work on his own website. As well as on Instagram @Alexsedgmond.