A big thank you to the wonderful HOW people who approached us a week ago to see how they (along with their local digital community) could support Goodwash to continue to send wash parcels to local NHS hospitals. 

The HOW People, based in Swansea, South Wales are empowering, inspiring, connecting and supporting the next generation of females. From online workshops and webinars, to surf lessons and yoga. The promote ‘happiness, opportunities and well being’ as the building blocks of their brand and wanted to help make a difference by supporting our NHS heroes at this time.

Our whole nation is currently in awe of the NHS and everything they are doing to keep us safe at the moment’.

How People Co Founder Jo Watkins

With her husband being a consultant anaesthetist working in the Covid-19 ICU at Morriston Hospital in Swansea, Jo continues;He comes home from work absolutely blown away by the determination of the frontline staff in ICU and the respiratory wards. The situation is having a huge effect on them, not just mentally, but also physically from the PPE they are wearing for 12 hours at a time. All this while dealing with tragic scenarios and risking their own health. We wanted to do something to help this and support Goodwash to continue their good work.’

We are delighted to be supported by the great people at The HOW People. The donations we receive will enable us to further continue our NHS donations, which have now exceeded 5,300 in the past 5 weeks’.

Goodwash Company Co Founder Mandy Powell

The HOW People have worked with Goodwash last week to design bespoke How2Help Rescue packs’ that include soaps washes, hand recovery lotion, facial protection dressings from Comfeel and self care support for staff of the ICU departments across the country.

This week HOW have specifically requested donations to  Cardiff, Gwent and Morrison Hospital departments. This coming week parcels will be sent to hospitals in Bath, London and the surrounding area. These are the areas where HOW had to cancel their LIVE HOW Inspire events booked in April.

Help support our NHS WASH DONATIONS via the HOW people link HERE

Over the course of three weeks The How People will be fundraising for this special NHS cause through a series of LIVE webinars and interactive workshops with inspirational female role models via Zoom (for teens and grown-ups). Visit the website here

You can just DONATE here if you prefer or do your own FUNDRAISING at home! 

EVERY penny from each donation or webinar sign up will be donated directly to fund the rescue packs for a designated hospital department.

If you wish to donate to or sponsor a box of rescue packs to a particular hospital or department of your choice do get in touch and let us know at

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