Ordinary women doing extraordinary things

Over the past two years Goodwash has been incredibly proud to help The Antarctic Fire Angels on their way to the South Pole.

A historic expedition by two Welsh Fire Fighters, Georgina Gilbert and Rebecca Openshaw Rowe, the aim is not only to raise money for the Fire Fighters Charity but to raise expectations of what ordinary women and girls can achieve.

And finally, after two years of preparation, on the 21st of November, the pair set off from the base camp in West Antarctica for the Pole, a journey of some 1,230 kilometres. They are travelling unassisted by ski and pulling supply sleds each weighing 85kg on a route that has never been achieved before.

And though it’s summer in Antarctica the temperature is currently about -11C and can get down to -50C on the gruelling 50-day journey.

Both Georgina and Rebecca as well as the whole Fire Angels crew are driven by the belief that women and girls can’t be what they can’t see. Becoming fire fighters in the first place was proof of this philosophy but the expedition takes this to a whole new level – only 30 years since the first woman in history reached the Pole.

You can find out about the expedition and the Antarctic Fire Angles here, and about the Fire Fighters Charity they are supporting here.

And you can follow their progress on twitter here, particularly on Christmas Day when Bex and George will be skiing yet another 25km against the Antarctic elements.

We are so proud to support the Antarctic Fire Angels but we can only do this because you make a difference every time you have a good wash with Goodwash.

All our love and best wishes are with Georgina and Rebecca on their historic expedition.

Pob lwc Fire Angels.

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