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Online arts project to bring the ‘feelgood’ factor!
We are delighted to announce that we have secured funding to deliver an exciting and new online arts project, to support people’s mental health during lockdown.
Thanks to funding from Community Foundation Wales, through its Wales Coronavirus Resilience Fund, we will be teaming up with our partners at Sixty Six / Ninety Nine, to work with people with lived experience of mental illness.
We are calling it the ‘Feelgood Box Project’, to help promote self-care which engaging in arts activities can help to provide. We’ll be working with community artist Bill Taylor-Beales to deliver weekly sessions on Zoom, that cover various themes and art forms.
Each week, participants will receive a ‘feelgood box’, containing arts materials, to use in that week’s session, along with a Goodwash product. There will be lots of other surprises in the boxes during the project!
The sessions have proved extremely popular, and are already oversubscribed, but we are intending to run more projects like this in the future.
This is the first project that we are working on with Sixty Six / Ninety Nine, a social enterprise that provides new solutions to suicide awareness and prevention. We announced our partnership with them during Mental Health Awareness Week, so we’re happy to have made progress so quickly.
If you would like more information on the ‘Feelgood Box Project’, please email